Sunday, 12 April 2009

3April 2009

this day i will always remember
wat u have say...I am reli happy..
reli happy..we watch movie together
hehe..although the movie was nt reli nice
but have u beside me is very nice too..haha..Yesterday
going out to parkson eating pizza bcz wushu friends wan go
kch for competition le doing farewell for him so go parkson lo
hmm they reli bad oh..Sorry bcz i am late bcz tuition ba sorry oh
hai you guys cnt eat first hehe..paiseh ya..ANYway i am reli happy
this fewdays..Thx ~3vilboy~


Sunday, 12 April 2009

3April 2009

Posted by ~WuShUg@L~ at 12:29:00 pm
this day i will always remember
wat u have say...I am reli happy..
reli happy..we watch movie together
hehe..although the movie was nt reli nice
but have u beside me is very nice too..haha..Yesterday
going out to parkson eating pizza bcz wushu friends wan go
kch for competition le doing farewell for him so go parkson lo
hmm they reli bad oh..Sorry bcz i am late bcz tuition ba sorry oh
hai you guys cnt eat first hehe..paiseh ya..ANYway i am reli happy
this fewdays..Thx ~3vilboy~

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