Sunday 27 February 2011

time reach

Well today is 27Feb
the last day of work from
mor til night..Tmr gonna
start the 1st day of uni
orientation don knw hw it
could Be..Working around
2 and a half month,everyday
wake up doing same thing til
today it gonna be the last..
Anyway good luck for myself


Sunday 20 February 2011


Haha today working there de
friends and lao ban nia yi zi
jio me say left 12 days i gonna
stop my job...I will shi bu de ma
haha a bit lo haha but is the time
gonna find a suitable work for myself
too lw..Today i go c the price of the
phone around but no shop wan trade in my
phone nvm lo i sure can search dao de...
haha my dear dear come find me juz nw hehe
yeah go buy ice cream together and he wait me
finished work hehe^^


Starting test


And friends to unfamiliar cities and towns lost their way

Then you:

(A is 3 points, B is 5, C 1 min)

A. to find the police ask

B. In any case, move forward according to the map

C. like a cry out


The next graph you most prefer?

(A is 3 points, B is 5, C 1 min)

A. Round

B. Trapezoidal

C. Square


Which is your favorite kind of brothers and sisters?

(A 5 points, B is 4 points, C 1 minute, D is 0 points)

A. want to brother

B. wants to sister

C. wants to brother

D. want sister


The bike has a two Keji

Do you want to ride:

(A 5 points, B is 1 point, C is 3)

A. front

B. back

C. do not want to ride around


Two people walking in the street

A large puddle in front of

So how would he do?

(A 1 point, B is 3 points, C is 5 points)

A. carrying you over the puddle

B. walk takes you by the hand

C. walked over a stone pad feet


When traveling with him

Leave the car there for 10 minutes free you


(A is 3 points, B is 1 point, C is 5 points)

A. Two people walk around first

B. car owners sit waiting chair

C. What to eat and buy canteen

Test results:


Score of 6-12 points:

Large age difference between you looking for friends (7 years)

Such men can skillfully guide your mood

In the study, interest in the sport and can give you all kinds of help

Looking older than your little one can make you mental unrest


A score of 13-18 points:

For you to find your older friends (3-6 years)

You are strong

No psychological dependence

But a little nervous, too much to worry about

Often confused

Older you find a suitable

Ordinary people can help people make a decision

At first you can not understand each other's mental

But with peace of mind along time, growth will naturally


A score of 19-24 points:

Age for you to find friends

For you

The age difference is too large will feel not to know each other

Difficult to interest and consistent way of thinking

The two sides will feel distressed

Ideally, the kind of play with

Favorite sports

Lively young man the same age


A score of 25-30 points:

You look younger for friends

There is a want to be your inner awareness of the potential sister

And the guy to get along

Want the same as the men close to his brother

See little point of the age, character cowardly young man

You will be able to care for him tenderly considerate

This is your heart strong maternal instinct in the work

Saturday 19 February 2011



Thursday 17 February 2011

Last of CNY

Last day of CNY isn't happy?
I don think any special abt
i juz feel i am nt happy and not
reli got mood..SIENZ!!!That's is
the word i can describe for today

Firework everywhere today,everyone should be
happy bcz is the last day of cny,but for me
i am here writing my blog TO EXPRESS my bad day
feeling...I love firework very much but nw i
prefer to stay alone in room and write the blog..
Listening music and some fireworks sound hw beautiful
if the sky is full of fireworks...:)I think i am tired
le i should have a long holiday for me to rest...






几乎每个水瓶座的心底都有着一段刻骨铭心人间记忆,一个永远无法忘记的背影。 那也许只是极其短暂的两情相悦,只是一种单恋,或只是一种只存在于虚幻空间。 一切看起来是那么平静,那么和谐。 没有惊天动地,没有海誓山盟,没有花前月下,没有浪漫,没有誓言,没有温度。水瓶座的理智和冷漠,注定了任何感情永无燃点。 水瓶座不容易喜欢上一个人。有人说水瓶座对伴侣的要求太高,其实并非这样,水瓶座注重的是感觉。只是那么轻描淡写的一眼,那个人已经吸引了水瓶的所有注意力,从此目光便无法转移。 用一秒钟爱上一个人,然后再付出一生去忘记,水瓶座就是这样的试验品。 但几乎所有的水瓶都会否认在自己的身上发生一见钟情,因为一向自视清高,承认爱上一个人这钟事似乎是在侮辱自己的智商。 更多的时候是因为,连自己都没发现已经爱上。水瓶座很多时候对于感情反应非常迟钝,迟钝到每次都是最后的知情者。有时容易出现弄不清自己的感觉,不清楚自己想做什么,觉得迷惘。 在对方没有非常明确地表示感情时会退怯,觉得爱情是两厢情愿,不想勉强对方。 显得很被动,忽冷忽热,犹豫不决,极其矛盾。在没有完全确定前,决不轻易付出感情,因为怕失去。也许是缺乏安全感,也许是对自己的保护,也可以算作是一种自私。 一般水瓶座的好朋友都是经过很长世间的考察的,不仅仅是几年,而是十几年。一旦被水瓶座当作好朋友的,会赴汤蹈火掏心掏肺。 在公车上,街边,商场,水瓶老是认错人。在茫茫人海中,始终在寻找一个熟悉的身影,直到产生幻觉。 这一刻,水瓶座突然很想痛哭流涕,因为突然发现自己几近疯狂的爱上一个人,失去了理智,失去了自我。这种突如其来的感觉,很恐惧,很无助。 水瓶座不喜欢这种感觉,因为不知该如何面对。要让水瓶座主动去追逐,是件异常困难的事,在水瓶座的世界里无法承受拒绝,就是这么脆弱,无论表面上看来是多么的坚强。 水瓶座在人前总是一幅无忧无虑没心没肝的样子,不想别人看见自己的悲伤,那样会有不安全的感觉,总是在无人的地方暗自落泪。 算了,还是放在心里吧。既不用尴尬的表白然后遭到拒绝,又不会相爱容易相处难的惨烈分手。这样很好,没人看出来,不至于太没面子。可以继续貌似潇洒。 但是,不同了。尽管水瓶座装着多么不在乎,看都不看一眼。可是对方说的每句话都从耳朵进去,没见出来。对方提的任何过分的要求,水瓶座统统照单全收精心尽力,决对不会有半个不字。完全成为一个爱情的奴隶,脸上还装酷无表情,整个死要面子活受罪。 这种情况下,如果对方使点阴谋诡计,刻意疏远避而不见或是视而不见,电话不接或是哼哈敷衍等等,水瓶会给整疯了,开始会想是什么自己地方做错了,说错话了,然后拉下面子主动讨好试探。不用多,碰壁两次,水瓶座就会有自知之明了,不会再去想是为什么会这样,也不想知道了。心里会想,原来是对方讨厌自己,不想见到自己。明白之后,就是绝对的安静了。 这还没完,过了一段日子。对方如果突然又改变态度,水瓶座竟然能既往不咎问也不问,殷勤依旧,完全没有尊严可谈。只要能和对方开心的在一起,过去不重要,未来也不重要,面子不重要,金钱不重要,时间不重要,自己也不重要。 天平失衡,感情重重的压在心底,自己却飘在了半空。太在乎对方,迷失了自我,幸福也变得虚无。 自己都不爱,谁还会珍惜。 水瓶座一旦付出,便是彻底,不可收回。 感情投入的越多越是伤的重。 最擅长的是难为自己。不想对方难过,只好让自己难过。总是认为自己有超乎寻常的承受力,把自己想得太坚强,而把别人想得太脆弱。不知道,受伤的其实是自己,只是不知道如何表现出来。 爱,这个字对水瓶座来说,太沉重珍贵了,无法用语言诠释。一旦说出口,犹如远古的文物,被发掘出土暴露于空气中,变得面目全非,失去本来的价值。 所以,不轻易说。 只需一次,水瓶座便把一生的精力耗尽,只因执著,便落得伤痕累累。那段感情如强酸腐蚀着那颗麻木的心,穿了一个洞,再也无法弥补。时间是世界上最有力的矬子,把空洞的毛边渐渐抚平,不再搁人。每当寒风吹过,犹闻隐约凄凉的萧萧声,似挽歌。 只需一次,水瓶座便不再幻想,于是狠狠将自己摔碎,拒绝熔化拼凑。因为怕熔了记忆,怕熔了那个远远的背影,怕熔了自己千年的期盼。 之后,水瓶座依然谈笑风生,依然开朗豁达,继续着一段接一段的新感情,重复着一切,因为无法承受寂寞。 人们都说水瓶花心,见一个爱一个,水瓶座会哈哈一笑,说'哪有?冤啊!'。其实心里在滴着血,脸上却得笑的灿烂,安慰自己'我是谁啊!哪会那么弱呢!' 有人说水瓶座太冷酷太自私,自以为了不起。可是谁又了解,水瓶座的心,容量很小,只能有一个,且不具修改性。除了那个人,其他所有自动归为一种程序。 因为无法虚伪,所以甜言蜜语都吝啬给予。因为天真,所以至死之前仍在等待。因为没有勇气,所以眼睁睁放手真爱无能为力。 当看到一个瓶子在疯狂地快乐或悲伤时,请千万不要被迷惑,水瓶总是不由自主地交错操纵着快乐与悲伤。其实并不像看到的那么快乐,同样的,也不像看到的那么悲伤。只是悲伤时,喜欢带上快乐的面具,而当水瓶快乐时,悲伤又不肯轻易放过。 只有真正懂得水瓶座的人,才能看见眼底那一缕似有似无的哀伤,才能明白是什么让水瓶如此的义无反顾,是什么让水瓶变得如此忽冷忽热捉摸不定,才能体会水瓶的坚强只是竭力掩饰的脆弱。 星相上说,水瓶座往往不被所爱的人珍惜。我想,是为什么呢?也许答案就在心中,只是水瓶座的本性不愿承认而已

Wednesday 16 February 2011


谁还记得 是谁先说永远的爱我
以前的一句话 是我们以后的伤口
过了太久 没人记得当初那些温柔
我和你手牵手 说要一起走到最后

我们都忘了 这条路走了多久
心中是清楚的 有一天 有一天都会停的
让时间说真话 虽然我也害怕
在天黑了以后 我们都不知道会不会有遗憾

谁还记得 是谁先说永远的爱我
以前的一句话 是我们以后的伤口
过了太久 没人记得当初那些温柔
我和你手牵手 说要一起走到最后

我们都累了 却没办法往回走
两颗心都迷惑 怎么说 怎么说都没有救
亲爱的为什么 也许你也不懂
两个相爱的人 等对方先说找分开的理由

我和你的眼中 看见了不同的天空
走的太远 终于走到分岔路的路口
是不是你和我 要有两个相反的梦

谁还记得 是谁先说永远的爱我
以前的一句话 是我们以后的伤口
过了太久 没人记得当初那些温柔
我和你手牵手 说要一起走到最后
我和你手牵手 说要一起走到最后


He came quietly
He slowly took silence
The final commitment is
Still does not take away the lonely
Nothing wrong with our love
Only a single show is too beautiful torture
She said it does not matter
As long as there is in the night over and over again when the sustenance
Fireworks will not be perfect can not wait until dark
Memories can not wait until the end of, or incinerate
She said that does not matter I am afraid to be destroyed day by day
Can not wait until dark buds not fade
Leaves open the following tingling taste
No longer afraid of the future I would like to just afraid of waking dawn
Not afraid of dawn I want to just afraid of waking

Evilboy birthday

Haha today is ur birthday
don knw hw is dear feel le..
Happy or not?I juz wan dear
happy only lo waste hw much
also nvm hope i can do something
for dear...Not always dear did only
maybe i am nt good enough..I had
already prder a cake for u hope
dear like it is dear playing taichi tat

Friday 4 February 2011

wonderful 18th birthday

Hehe my wonderful 18th birthday juz pass yesterday hehe
hehe thanks a lot to the person who had help me celebrated
i appreciate it a lot^^specially thx to my bf hehe he put
a lot of effort it hehe^^Thx sha gua too who is SICK dou help
me celebrate hehe^^i am so xing fu^^

Sunday 27 February 2011

time reach

Posted by ~WuShUg@L~ at 10:35:00 pm 1 comments
Well today is 27Feb
the last day of work from
mor til night..Tmr gonna
start the 1st day of uni
orientation don knw hw it
could Be..Working around
2 and a half month,everyday
wake up doing same thing til
today it gonna be the last..
Anyway good luck for myself


Sunday 20 February 2011


Posted by ~WuShUg@L~ at 11:28:00 pm 0 comments
Haha today working there de
friends and lao ban nia yi zi
jio me say left 12 days i gonna
stop my job...I will shi bu de ma
haha a bit lo haha but is the time
gonna find a suitable work for myself
too lw..Today i go c the price of the
phone around but no shop wan trade in my
phone nvm lo i sure can search dao de...
haha my dear dear come find me juz nw hehe
yeah go buy ice cream together and he wait me
finished work hehe^^


Posted by ~WuShUg@L~ at 9:36:00 am 0 comments
Starting test


And friends to unfamiliar cities and towns lost their way

Then you:

(A is 3 points, B is 5, C 1 min)

A. to find the police ask

B. In any case, move forward according to the map

C. like a cry out


The next graph you most prefer?

(A is 3 points, B is 5, C 1 min)

A. Round

B. Trapezoidal

C. Square


Which is your favorite kind of brothers and sisters?

(A 5 points, B is 4 points, C 1 minute, D is 0 points)

A. want to brother

B. wants to sister

C. wants to brother

D. want sister


The bike has a two Keji

Do you want to ride:

(A 5 points, B is 1 point, C is 3)

A. front

B. back

C. do not want to ride around


Two people walking in the street

A large puddle in front of

So how would he do?

(A 1 point, B is 3 points, C is 5 points)

A. carrying you over the puddle

B. walk takes you by the hand

C. walked over a stone pad feet


When traveling with him

Leave the car there for 10 minutes free you


(A is 3 points, B is 1 point, C is 5 points)

A. Two people walk around first

B. car owners sit waiting chair

C. What to eat and buy canteen

Test results:


Score of 6-12 points:

Large age difference between you looking for friends (7 years)

Such men can skillfully guide your mood

In the study, interest in the sport and can give you all kinds of help

Looking older than your little one can make you mental unrest


A score of 13-18 points:

For you to find your older friends (3-6 years)

You are strong

No psychological dependence

But a little nervous, too much to worry about

Often confused

Older you find a suitable

Ordinary people can help people make a decision

At first you can not understand each other's mental

But with peace of mind along time, growth will naturally


A score of 19-24 points:

Age for you to find friends

For you

The age difference is too large will feel not to know each other

Difficult to interest and consistent way of thinking

The two sides will feel distressed

Ideally, the kind of play with

Favorite sports

Lively young man the same age


A score of 25-30 points:

You look younger for friends

There is a want to be your inner awareness of the potential sister

And the guy to get along

Want the same as the men close to his brother

See little point of the age, character cowardly young man

You will be able to care for him tenderly considerate

This is your heart strong maternal instinct in the work

Saturday 19 February 2011


Posted by ~WuShUg@L~ at 12:15:00 am 1 comments

Thursday 17 February 2011

Last of CNY

Posted by ~WuShUg@L~ at 9:19:00 pm 1 comments

Last day of CNY isn't happy?
I don think any special abt
i juz feel i am nt happy and not
reli got mood..SIENZ!!!That's is
the word i can describe for today

Firework everywhere today,everyone should be
happy bcz is the last day of cny,but for me
i am here writing my blog TO EXPRESS my bad day
feeling...I love firework very much but nw i
prefer to stay alone in room and write the blog..
Listening music and some fireworks sound hw beautiful
if the sky is full of fireworks...:)I think i am tired
le i should have a long holiday for me to rest...


Posted by ~WuShUg@L~ at 9:10:00 pm 0 comments



Posted by ~WuShUg@L~ at 8:39:00 pm 0 comments

几乎每个水瓶座的心底都有着一段刻骨铭心人间记忆,一个永远无法忘记的背影。 那也许只是极其短暂的两情相悦,只是一种单恋,或只是一种只存在于虚幻空间。 一切看起来是那么平静,那么和谐。 没有惊天动地,没有海誓山盟,没有花前月下,没有浪漫,没有誓言,没有温度。水瓶座的理智和冷漠,注定了任何感情永无燃点。 水瓶座不容易喜欢上一个人。有人说水瓶座对伴侣的要求太高,其实并非这样,水瓶座注重的是感觉。只是那么轻描淡写的一眼,那个人已经吸引了水瓶的所有注意力,从此目光便无法转移。 用一秒钟爱上一个人,然后再付出一生去忘记,水瓶座就是这样的试验品。 但几乎所有的水瓶都会否认在自己的身上发生一见钟情,因为一向自视清高,承认爱上一个人这钟事似乎是在侮辱自己的智商。 更多的时候是因为,连自己都没发现已经爱上。水瓶座很多时候对于感情反应非常迟钝,迟钝到每次都是最后的知情者。有时容易出现弄不清自己的感觉,不清楚自己想做什么,觉得迷惘。 在对方没有非常明确地表示感情时会退怯,觉得爱情是两厢情愿,不想勉强对方。 显得很被动,忽冷忽热,犹豫不决,极其矛盾。在没有完全确定前,决不轻易付出感情,因为怕失去。也许是缺乏安全感,也许是对自己的保护,也可以算作是一种自私。 一般水瓶座的好朋友都是经过很长世间的考察的,不仅仅是几年,而是十几年。一旦被水瓶座当作好朋友的,会赴汤蹈火掏心掏肺。 在公车上,街边,商场,水瓶老是认错人。在茫茫人海中,始终在寻找一个熟悉的身影,直到产生幻觉。 这一刻,水瓶座突然很想痛哭流涕,因为突然发现自己几近疯狂的爱上一个人,失去了理智,失去了自我。这种突如其来的感觉,很恐惧,很无助。 水瓶座不喜欢这种感觉,因为不知该如何面对。要让水瓶座主动去追逐,是件异常困难的事,在水瓶座的世界里无法承受拒绝,就是这么脆弱,无论表面上看来是多么的坚强。 水瓶座在人前总是一幅无忧无虑没心没肝的样子,不想别人看见自己的悲伤,那样会有不安全的感觉,总是在无人的地方暗自落泪。 算了,还是放在心里吧。既不用尴尬的表白然后遭到拒绝,又不会相爱容易相处难的惨烈分手。这样很好,没人看出来,不至于太没面子。可以继续貌似潇洒。 但是,不同了。尽管水瓶座装着多么不在乎,看都不看一眼。可是对方说的每句话都从耳朵进去,没见出来。对方提的任何过分的要求,水瓶座统统照单全收精心尽力,决对不会有半个不字。完全成为一个爱情的奴隶,脸上还装酷无表情,整个死要面子活受罪。 这种情况下,如果对方使点阴谋诡计,刻意疏远避而不见或是视而不见,电话不接或是哼哈敷衍等等,水瓶会给整疯了,开始会想是什么自己地方做错了,说错话了,然后拉下面子主动讨好试探。不用多,碰壁两次,水瓶座就会有自知之明了,不会再去想是为什么会这样,也不想知道了。心里会想,原来是对方讨厌自己,不想见到自己。明白之后,就是绝对的安静了。 这还没完,过了一段日子。对方如果突然又改变态度,水瓶座竟然能既往不咎问也不问,殷勤依旧,完全没有尊严可谈。只要能和对方开心的在一起,过去不重要,未来也不重要,面子不重要,金钱不重要,时间不重要,自己也不重要。 天平失衡,感情重重的压在心底,自己却飘在了半空。太在乎对方,迷失了自我,幸福也变得虚无。 自己都不爱,谁还会珍惜。 水瓶座一旦付出,便是彻底,不可收回。 感情投入的越多越是伤的重。 最擅长的是难为自己。不想对方难过,只好让自己难过。总是认为自己有超乎寻常的承受力,把自己想得太坚强,而把别人想得太脆弱。不知道,受伤的其实是自己,只是不知道如何表现出来。 爱,这个字对水瓶座来说,太沉重珍贵了,无法用语言诠释。一旦说出口,犹如远古的文物,被发掘出土暴露于空气中,变得面目全非,失去本来的价值。 所以,不轻易说。 只需一次,水瓶座便把一生的精力耗尽,只因执著,便落得伤痕累累。那段感情如强酸腐蚀着那颗麻木的心,穿了一个洞,再也无法弥补。时间是世界上最有力的矬子,把空洞的毛边渐渐抚平,不再搁人。每当寒风吹过,犹闻隐约凄凉的萧萧声,似挽歌。 只需一次,水瓶座便不再幻想,于是狠狠将自己摔碎,拒绝熔化拼凑。因为怕熔了记忆,怕熔了那个远远的背影,怕熔了自己千年的期盼。 之后,水瓶座依然谈笑风生,依然开朗豁达,继续着一段接一段的新感情,重复着一切,因为无法承受寂寞。 人们都说水瓶花心,见一个爱一个,水瓶座会哈哈一笑,说'哪有?冤啊!'。其实心里在滴着血,脸上却得笑的灿烂,安慰自己'我是谁啊!哪会那么弱呢!' 有人说水瓶座太冷酷太自私,自以为了不起。可是谁又了解,水瓶座的心,容量很小,只能有一个,且不具修改性。除了那个人,其他所有自动归为一种程序。 因为无法虚伪,所以甜言蜜语都吝啬给予。因为天真,所以至死之前仍在等待。因为没有勇气,所以眼睁睁放手真爱无能为力。 当看到一个瓶子在疯狂地快乐或悲伤时,请千万不要被迷惑,水瓶总是不由自主地交错操纵着快乐与悲伤。其实并不像看到的那么快乐,同样的,也不像看到的那么悲伤。只是悲伤时,喜欢带上快乐的面具,而当水瓶快乐时,悲伤又不肯轻易放过。 只有真正懂得水瓶座的人,才能看见眼底那一缕似有似无的哀伤,才能明白是什么让水瓶如此的义无反顾,是什么让水瓶变得如此忽冷忽热捉摸不定,才能体会水瓶的坚强只是竭力掩饰的脆弱。 星相上说,水瓶座往往不被所爱的人珍惜。我想,是为什么呢?也许答案就在心中,只是水瓶座的本性不愿承认而已

Wednesday 16 February 2011


Posted by ~WuShUg@L~ at 11:56:00 pm 0 comments
谁还记得 是谁先说永远的爱我
以前的一句话 是我们以后的伤口
过了太久 没人记得当初那些温柔
我和你手牵手 说要一起走到最后

我们都忘了 这条路走了多久
心中是清楚的 有一天 有一天都会停的
让时间说真话 虽然我也害怕
在天黑了以后 我们都不知道会不会有遗憾

谁还记得 是谁先说永远的爱我
以前的一句话 是我们以后的伤口
过了太久 没人记得当初那些温柔
我和你手牵手 说要一起走到最后

我们都累了 却没办法往回走
两颗心都迷惑 怎么说 怎么说都没有救
亲爱的为什么 也许你也不懂
两个相爱的人 等对方先说找分开的理由

我和你的眼中 看见了不同的天空
走的太远 终于走到分岔路的路口
是不是你和我 要有两个相反的梦

谁还记得 是谁先说永远的爱我
以前的一句话 是我们以后的伤口
过了太久 没人记得当初那些温柔
我和你手牵手 说要一起走到最后
我和你手牵手 说要一起走到最后


Posted by ~WuShUg@L~ at 11:56:00 pm 0 comments
He came quietly
He slowly took silence
The final commitment is
Still does not take away the lonely
Nothing wrong with our love
Only a single show is too beautiful torture
She said it does not matter
As long as there is in the night over and over again when the sustenance
Fireworks will not be perfect can not wait until dark
Memories can not wait until the end of, or incinerate
She said that does not matter I am afraid to be destroyed day by day
Can not wait until dark buds not fade
Leaves open the following tingling taste
No longer afraid of the future I would like to just afraid of waking dawn
Not afraid of dawn I want to just afraid of waking

Evilboy birthday

Posted by ~WuShUg@L~ at 11:42:00 pm 1 comments
Haha today is ur birthday
don knw hw is dear feel le..
Happy or not?I juz wan dear
happy only lo waste hw much
also nvm hope i can do something
for dear...Not always dear did only
maybe i am nt good enough..I had
already prder a cake for u hope
dear like it is dear playing taichi tat

Friday 4 February 2011

wonderful 18th birthday

Posted by ~WuShUg@L~ at 12:24:00 pm 0 comments
Hehe my wonderful 18th birthday juz pass yesterday hehe
hehe thanks a lot to the person who had help me celebrated
i appreciate it a lot^^specially thx to my bf hehe he put
a lot of effort it hehe^^Thx sha gua too who is SICK dou help
me celebrate hehe^^i am so xing fu^^