Saturday 2 May 2009

Believing in Friendship

There is a cliched saying about friendship : there are big ships and small ships, but the best of all is friendship.

In our journey of self discovery, we need friends, whether good or bad, because no man is an island in this world. Good friends will be there when we need them and bad friends, too. Well, they may be "bad" but there is a reason for their existence : to make us appreciate our good friends more! They are still, our friend whether "good" or "bad" because it is said a friend is one of the loveliest thing we can have and one of the best thing we can be.

True friends make everyday worth living and every trouble worth overcoming. At the end of a long day, when we feel like we are at the end of our last legs, our friends are there to support and remind us to keep pressing on. CS Lewis once said that friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. It has no survival value, rather it is one of those things that gives value to survival. I could not agree more. It is possible to not have a single friend in the world and still be alive. But, it is the laughter and tears of a friendship that make us feel alive.

As a good friend, we should always be ready to lend an ear and a shoulder too when a friend is down in the dumps. Good friends will always be honest and tell you the things you do not want to tell yourself. They bring us back to reality when we fantasise too much and will tell us to be pragmatic when we overreact.

It is said that those who chatter to you will chatter of you, but real friends will not stab you in the back. They will tell us off straightaway if we go wrong. True, it might be harsh but real friends speak painful through loving and kind words for our benefit. I am sure you have experienced this before: someone has seen that you have done something that will lead you into trouble and has told you off or maybe you have seen someone putting his foot into trouble and you went to his aid just in time. This is what real friends do. They help. They are always ready to assist us in time of trouble. In the midst of trials, friends will stand up for us and help us rise again after a fall. They will not ask us what they can do to help, but think of something appropriate and do it.

True enough, we often find that it is by the continuous support of our friends that we can press foward and attain our goals. A sincere friend will always help and never get in the way unless we happen to be going down. They show invaluable support because the appreciate us. We too should value a friend who finds time for us in his calender and cherish him who does not consult it when we need him.

In the world, there are many kind of friendship and different types of friends - good friends, close friends, bosom friend. But, the best kind of friend is one you can sit at the porch with, looking at the hustle and bustle of life not saying a word and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you ever had. Because I believe that in friendship, what counts is not in the saying but in the things that need not to be said - when silence is comfortable between friends. This shows they have established a special kind of "connection ' between them.


Saturday 2 May 2009

Believing in Friendship

Posted by ~WuShUg@L~ at 9:47:00 pm
There is a cliched saying about friendship : there are big ships and small ships, but the best of all is friendship.

In our journey of self discovery, we need friends, whether good or bad, because no man is an island in this world. Good friends will be there when we need them and bad friends, too. Well, they may be "bad" but there is a reason for their existence : to make us appreciate our good friends more! They are still, our friend whether "good" or "bad" because it is said a friend is one of the loveliest thing we can have and one of the best thing we can be.

True friends make everyday worth living and every trouble worth overcoming. At the end of a long day, when we feel like we are at the end of our last legs, our friends are there to support and remind us to keep pressing on. CS Lewis once said that friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. It has no survival value, rather it is one of those things that gives value to survival. I could not agree more. It is possible to not have a single friend in the world and still be alive. But, it is the laughter and tears of a friendship that make us feel alive.

As a good friend, we should always be ready to lend an ear and a shoulder too when a friend is down in the dumps. Good friends will always be honest and tell you the things you do not want to tell yourself. They bring us back to reality when we fantasise too much and will tell us to be pragmatic when we overreact.

It is said that those who chatter to you will chatter of you, but real friends will not stab you in the back. They will tell us off straightaway if we go wrong. True, it might be harsh but real friends speak painful through loving and kind words for our benefit. I am sure you have experienced this before: someone has seen that you have done something that will lead you into trouble and has told you off or maybe you have seen someone putting his foot into trouble and you went to his aid just in time. This is what real friends do. They help. They are always ready to assist us in time of trouble. In the midst of trials, friends will stand up for us and help us rise again after a fall. They will not ask us what they can do to help, but think of something appropriate and do it.

True enough, we often find that it is by the continuous support of our friends that we can press foward and attain our goals. A sincere friend will always help and never get in the way unless we happen to be going down. They show invaluable support because the appreciate us. We too should value a friend who finds time for us in his calender and cherish him who does not consult it when we need him.

In the world, there are many kind of friendship and different types of friends - good friends, close friends, bosom friend. But, the best kind of friend is one you can sit at the porch with, looking at the hustle and bustle of life not saying a word and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you ever had. Because I believe that in friendship, what counts is not in the saying but in the things that need not to be said - when silence is comfortable between friends. This shows they have established a special kind of "connection ' between them.

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